Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hot Off The Press | GPC 2010 Annual Report

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Georgia Poison Center’s 2010 Annual Report. This report outlines the services the Center provided to the 9.8 million citizens, living in the 159 counties throughout Georgia. By providing this annual highlight of our operations, you’ll see that we saved lives, and did so in a cost effective manner.

Although we’ve overcome a number of challenges in the past decade, difficult times are ahead of us. We hope that you will advocate for not only the continued services of the Georgia Poison Center, but for the services poison centers provide across the nation. With your support, we’ll remain committed to save lives; one call, one email, and one chat at a time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Think Poison | Beauty Is Skin Deep

For the past few months, the most calls received involving children under the age of 5 has involved cosmetic and personal care products. These items are usually found in abundance in households across the nation and are sometimes carelessly placed about because they are identified as harmless. Unfortunately, anything used outside of its normal intention can be dangerous.

While researching health related articles, one made mention of a database created by the Environmental Working Group which provides safety ratings (with zero being the safest and 10 being the most hazardous) for a range of products, based on its ingredients, they have tested, from dyes and shampoos to sunscreen and makeup. I found this to be quite interesting, since it has been often commented in regards to personal care products, "if you can't eat it, you probably shouldn't be lathering it on."

To view this database, click here. It is quite interesting to see where your favorite products rate.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Think Poison | First Aid Kit for Pets

Most homes have a first aid kit to help treat those inevitable boo-boos! But if you have a pet did you think of a first aid kit just for them? The ASPCA outlines some key items to invest in for an emergency first-aid kit for your pet.

The kit should contain:

•A fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide, 3 percent USP (to induce vomiting)
•A turkey baster, bulb syringe or large medicine syringe (to administer peroxide)
•Saline eye solution
•Artificial tear gel (to lubricate eyes after flushing)
•Mild grease-cutting dishwashing liquid (for bathing an animal after skin contamination)
•Forceps (to remove stingers)
•A muzzle (to protect against fear- or excitement-induced biting)
•A can of your pet’s favorite wet food
•A pet carrier

Always consult a veterinarian or the APCC for directions on how and when to use any emergency first-aid item.

Source: ASPCA

Friday, April 22, 2011

Think Poison | Pet Safety for Easter

Spring flowers can be toxic to pets

Posted by Susan Gilmore of The Seattle Times

With spring officially here, the Seattle Animal Shelter is warning cat owners about the dangers flowers can pose to cats.

"Lilies, including Easter lily, tiger lily, rubrum lily, Japanese show lily and some species of day lilies can cause kidney failure in cats," said Don Jordan, director of the Seattle Animal Shelter. "All parts of the lily plant are considered toxic to cats and consuming even small amounts can be life threatening."

He said within only a few hours of ingesting the toxic plant material, a cat may vomit, become lethargic or lose its appetite. The signs worsen as kidney damage progresses and without prompt treatment a cat may develop kidney failure within 36 hours.

To help educate cat owners and veterinarians about the dangers of lilies and other plants, the Animal Poison Control Center and the "No Lilies for Cats Campaign," have developed online materials including photos of common types of dangerous lilies and a list of non-toxic plants. To download the materials, visit or

Source: The Seattle Times

Monday, April 18, 2011

Interesting Case | Not So Fun In The Sun

With winter behind us and gorgeous weather an almost daily occasion, we tend to spend a lot more time outside than normal. Whether it be a leisurely stroll in the park or tossing the ball about in the yard, we definitely find ways to soak up the sun! A favorite past time of many during the spring is to tend to their lawns and gardens. You tend to see many of your neighbors making sure lawns are freshly manicured and weed free. This was no different for our recent caller John*. In order to control the weeds in his lawn, he used a common household pesticide that can be found at your local home improvement store. Unfortunately, the sprayer developed a leak and got all over his skin. John continued to treat his lawn and washed off the pesticide after he finished spraying. He developed a serious rash two days later. After treatment with an old tube of medication from a previous ailment didn't seem to be working, he called the Georgia Poison Center. We advised him on the types of irritations caused by herbicides (weed control) and what treatment to seek.

Think Poison.

When applying pesticides, always read the label. Follow the directions carefully and use the pesticide only as directed. Wear protective clothing such as coveralls, gloves, closed shoes, goggles, and a mask. If a spill occurs be sure to clean the area right away.

*caller's name was changed to protect their identity

Friday, April 15, 2011

Interesting Case| Not All Medicines Are Created Equal

Have you ever been shopping in the medication aisle of your favorite drug store and your normal brand of medicine isn't available so you decide to choose what you think is a comparable substitute? Well, unfortunately not all medications are created equal. Eventhough some medications may show the same type of active ingredients and same strength, have you ever considered the difference in medication coating? One caller, unfortunately found out the hard way. He developed an allergic reaction to the new medication and experienced difficulty breathing. Upon calling the Georgia Poison Center, our Specialist in Poison Information listened to his symptoms and advised him on treatment. This caller was treated at a local hospital and released with no further complications.

Be sure to check with the pharmacist at your local drug store before switching over the counter medications. If you have questions about those that you've already purchased, be sure to give us a ring at 1.800.222.1222.